
Studytube update around the coronavirus

  • Picture of Homam Karimi

    Homam Karimi

  • 17 maart 2020

Dear Customer,

We closely follow developments around the coronavirus - just like you, no doubt. We also take our responsibility. We have decided to ensure the health and safety of our employees, customers and relations, and to prevent the spread of the virus as much as possible. That is why we close our office immediately until Monday 6 April. We have also asked our employees to move or replace all physical customer appointments with a virtual "online" appointment.


Of course we ensure that our services remain at the same high level that our customers are used to from us. Fortunately, Studytube has excellent IT facilities to make this possible. Our product is a software solution, enabling our developers to easily build the future of learning and development from home - with as much enthusiasm as ever, of course. Our other teams are also in constant contact with each other; so you can just call or email your usual contact person to discuss the possibilities.

Never waste a good crisis

One of our core values is "We are in this together", so Studytube wants to be there for its customers during this period as well. Our Customer Success Managers are ready to guide you remotely in the preparations for the implementation or adoption of our platform, or in the development of online training and microlearning from your home office.

How can we help you?

It can be very relevant to use Studytube as a communication channel to employees, customers or partners. For example, create an extra category in which you share YouTube links to corona updates or make policy documents available. You can also easily make screen recordings, videos or vlogs from your living room.
Studytube is happy to advise you on this: in our Knowledge Academy, you will find all the content you need to set up your Academy, and how - in these exceptional circumstances - you can give learning a central place in your organization.

Do you not have access to the Knowledge Academy yet? Please contact your Customer Success Manager.

Temporary extra Academy and licenses for free

As said: we would like to be there for you. In addition to a helping hand, we also temporarily offer you an extra Academy and licenses, in order to enable communication with other target groups (for example customers or partners) about the corona virus. This can be an open or closed Academy. You can also contact your Customer Success Manager for this.

Stay safe and take good care of yourself, your loved ones and your colleagues. We're in this together.


Homam Karimi


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